COST Action ENTER “EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities” is happy to announce the opening of the call for application for STSM: Short Term Scientific Missions. STSMs are directed to facilitate and support mobility of individuals for short scientific missions, to inspire research and forge new links among COST ENTER partners.
Content and Focus:
Application should be linked (content wise) to one of the main activity areas of COST, concerning EU Foreign Policy: New Realities, Perception, Contestation, Communication and Relation.
See: https://foreignpolicynewrealities.eu/about/working-groups/
There is no minimum or maximum duration.
STSM can be carried out from November 2022 until Mid-March 2023.
Financial Support:
Financial support for successful applicants will include up to max. EUR 3.000.
Grantees and host researchers commit to write a post and send pictures of the STSM for the social media network.
Reporting and claim for payment of the grant:
Upon the conclusion of the STSM, within 20 days after the end of the activity, the grantees have to submit via e-COST system:
- The claim for the payment of the grant;
- Report to the Action MC on the main achievements of the STSM and planned future follow up activities.
Short-Term Scientific Mission consists in a visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.
Both junior and senior researchers are eligible to apply. STSM applicants must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.
Grantees can perform the mission anywhere in the world (as long as it serves the purpose of the STSM).
Special priority will be given to: Early Career Investigators (researchers), Researchers from Inclusiveness Target Country and Gender balance. Applicants from an Inclusiveness Target Country can request for pre-payment of 50% of the grant.
How to apply?
Submit your application via e-COST. You may have to create an account before submitting your application. COST ENTER is Action Number CA17119. For further assistance, please consult the COST STSM userguide.
Timeline of application:
The application period starts on 11 November 2022 and ends on 12 December 2022.
A maximum of 3 STSM Grants will be awarded.
Required elements of the application:
- A) Confirmation letterfrom your host institution (please append it to your application in eCOST in the supporting documents section)
- B) Motivation and Work-plan summary (limited to 2000 words), including:
- Aim & motivation – Please explain the scientific and/or other motivation for the STSM and what scientific and/or other outcomes you aim to accomplish with the STSM.
- Proposed contribution to the scientific objectives of the Action.
- Techniques – Please detail what techniques or equipment you may learn to use, if applicable.
- Planning – Please detail the steps you will take to achieve your proposed aim.
- C) Dates and Duration
- D) Bank Details
- E) Host Details
- F) Financial Support requested: Total amount up to max. EUR 3.000.
The COST Association and the Grant Holder of the Action cannot be considered as being an STSM grantee’s employer. STSM grantees must make their own arrangements for all provisions related to personal security, health, taxation, social security and pension matters.
For questions please feel free to contact us: info@foreignpolicynewrealities.eu
Download the PDF here
COST Action ENTER “EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities” is happy to announce the opening of the call for application for STSM: Short Term Scientific Missions. STSMs are directed to facilitate and support mobility of individuals for short scientific missions, to inspire research and forge new links among COST ENTER partners.
How STSMs work:
There is no minimum or maximum duration.
STSM can be carried out from April 2022 until Mid-September 2022.
Content and Focus:
Application should be linked (content wise) to one of the main activity areas of COST, concerning EU Foreign Policy: New Realities, Perception, Contestation, Communication and Relation.
See: https://foreignpolicynewrealities.eu/about/working-groups/
Financial Support:
Financial support for successful applicants will include up to a total of EUR 4000.
Grantees and host researchers commit to write a post and send pictures of the STSM for the social media network.
Reporting and claim for payment of the grant
Upon the conclusion of the conference, within 30 days after the end of the activity, the grantees have to submit via e-COST system:
- The claim for the payment of the grant is made via e-COST system;
- Report to the Action MC on the main achievements of the STSM and planned future follow up activities.
Short-Term Scientific Mission consists in a visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.
Both junior and senior researchers are eligible to apply. STSM applicants must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research.
Grantees can perform the mission anywhere in the world (as long as it serves the purpose of the STSM).
Special priority will be given to:
Early Career Investigators (researchers), Researchers from Inclusiveness Target Country and Gender balance.
Applicants from an Inclusiveness Target Country can request for pre-payment of 50% of the grant.
Open of call: April 1st 2022
Deadline for application: May 30th 2022, 12:00 PM Brussels time.
STSM can be carried out from April 2022 until Mid-September 2022.
How to apply?
The applicant submits an application via e-COST. You may have to create an account before submitting your application. COST ENTER is Action Number CA17119. For further assistance, please consult the COST STSM userguide.
Required elements of the application:
A) Confirmation letter
- from your host institution (please append it to your application in eCOST in the supporting documents section)
B) Motivation and Work-plan summary
- Aim & motivation – Please explain the scientific and/or other motivation for the STSM and what scientific and/or other outcomes you aim to accomplish with the STSM.
- Proposed contribution to the scientific objectives of the Action.
- Techniques – Please detail what techniques or equipment you may learn to use, if applicable.
- Planning – Please detail the steps you will take to achieve your proposed aim.
C) Dates and Duration
D) Bank Details
E) Host Details
F) Financial Support requested:
Up to a total amount of 4000 Euros.
The COST Association and the Grant Holder of the Action cannot be considered as being an STSM grantee’s employer. STSM grantees must make their own arrangements for all provisions related to personal security, health, taxation, social security and pension matters.
For questions please feel free to contact the COST ENTER Grant Awarding Coordinator Dr. Hila Zahavi: hilape@bgu.ac.il
Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) 2021
ENTER COST project “EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities” is happy to announce the opening of the call for application for STSM: Short Term Scientific Missions. STSMs are directed to facilitate and support mobility of individuals for short scientific missions, to inspire research and forge new links among ENTER COST partners.
How STSMs work:
Minimum duration: 5 calendar days (including travel).
STSM can be carried out from February 2021 until Mid-September 2021.
Content and Focus:
Application should be linked (content wise) to one of the main activity areas of COST, concerning EU Foreign Policy: New Realities, Perception, Contestation, Communication and Relation.
See: https://foreignpolicynewrealities.eu/about/working-groups/
Financial Support:
Financial support for successful applicants will include:
- Up to a total of 3500 Euros.
- No more than 160 Euros per day for accommodation and meal expenses.
- No more than 300 Euros for travel costs.
Both junior and senior researchers are eligible to apply. STSM applicants must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research. Eligibility rules concern the applicant home institution and host institution and elaborated in the table below.
STSM Host Institution | Applicant’s Home Institution |
Located in a Participating COST Full Member / COST Cooperating Member |
Located in another Participating COST Full Member / COST Cooperating Member |
Located in a Participating COST Partner Member | |
Action MC Observer from IPC | |
Action MC Observer from NNC | |
The EU Commission or an EU Body, Office or Agency | |
An Approved European RTD Organisation | |
An Approved International Organisation | |
Located in a Participating COST Full Member / COST Cooperating Member | Action MC Observer from NNC |
Located in a Participating COST Full Member / COST Cooperating Member | Located in an Approved European RTD Organisation |
Special priority will be given to:
Early Career Investigators (researchers), Researchers from Inclusiveness Target Country and Gender balance.
Prioritization of these populations will be supported by different tools to insure inclusion:
- Applicants from an Inclusiveness Target Country can request for pre-payment of 50% of the grant.
- Open call – please apply continuously
- STSM can be carried out between February 2021 and Mid-September 2021
How to apply?
The applicant submits an application via e-COST. You may have to create an account before submitting your application. COST ENTER is Action Number CA17119. For further assistance, please consult the COST STSM userguide.
Required elements of the application:
A) Confirmation letter from your host institution (please append it to your application in eCOST in the supporting documents section)
B) Motivation and Work-plan summary (limited to 2000 words), including:
- Aim & motivation – Please explain the scientific and/or other motivation for the STSM and what scientific and/or other outcomes you aim to accomplish with the STSM.
- Proposed contribution to the scientific objectives of the Action.
- Techniques – Please detail what techniques or equipment you may learn to use, if applicable.
- Planning – Please detail the steps you will take to achieve your proposed aim.
C) Dates and Duration
D) Bank Details
E) Host Details
F) Financial Support requested:
- Amount for Travel in EUR (Up to a maximum of EUR 300)
- Amount for Subsistence in EUR (Up to a maximum of EUR 160 per day)
- Total Amount in EUR 3500.
Please find up-to-date Brexit-information by COST Association here.
The COST Association and the Grant Holder of the Action cannot be considered as being an STSM grantee’s employer. STSM grantees must make their own arrangements for all provisions related to personal security, health, taxation, social security and pension matters.
List of Potential Hosts:
Although there is no restricted list of hosts (as long as the applicant and the host institution answer eligibility rules), you can find below a list of potential hosts, who were kind to be listed here as an open invitation for applicants (alphabetically sorted by country).
For questions please feel free to contact the COST ENTER STSM Coordinator Dr. Hila Zahavi: hilape@bgu.ac.il
Dr. | Reina Shehi (Zenelaj) | Center for European Studies | Epoka University | http://epoka.edu.al/ | rzenelaj@epoka.edu.al |
Associate Professor Dr. | Belina Budini | Department of Humanities and Communication | European University of Tirana | http://uet.edu.al/new/ | belina.budini@uet.edu.al |
assistant professor | Aron Buzogny | Institute of Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | https://boku.ac.at/en/personen/person/71E3AA0D0CFEB5CD; https://boku.ac.at/en/wiso/infer | aron.buzogany@boku.ac.at |
Prof. Dr. | Patrick Müller | Department of Political Science | University of Vienna / Vienna School of International Studies | https://politikwissenschaft.univie.ac.at/en/about-us/staff/mueller/ | patrick.mueller@da-vienna.ac.at |
Dean, Associate Professor | Anar Vəliyev | School of Public and International Affairs | ADA University | http://www.ada.edu.az | avaliyev@ada.edu.az |
Associate professor | Jan Orbie | Department of Political Science, Centre for EU Studies (CEUS) | Ghent University | https://www.ugent.be/ps/politiekewetenschappen/en/research-groups/centre-for-eu-studies/researchers/jan-orbie | Jan.Orbie@UGent.be |
Prof. | Stephan Keukeleire | Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) | KU Leuven | https://soc.kuleuven.be/lines/staff/00016737 | stephan.keukeleire@kuleuven.be |
Assistant Professor | Katja Biedenkopf | Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) | KU Leuven | https://soc.kuleuven.be/lines/sustainable-futures-research-group/team/Team | katja.biedenkopf@kuleuven.be |
Associate Professor | Nedzma Dzananovic Mirascija | Faculty of Political Science | University of Sarajevo | http://fpn.unsa.ba/b/nastavnik/nedzma-dzananovic-mirascija/ | nedzma.dzananovic@fpn.unsa.ba |
Dr. | Daniela Yordanova | Department of Management and Business Development | University of Ruse | https://www.uni-ruse.bg/en/faculties/FBM | dyordanova@gmail.com |
Dr. | Senada Šelo Šabić | Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) | https://www.irmo.hr/en/ | senada@irmo.hr |
Dr. | Dario Čepo | Chair of Sociology, Faculty of Law | University of Zagreb | https://www.pravo.unizg.hr/en/dario.cepo | dcepo@pravo.hr |
Dr. | Maria Hadjiathanasiou | Research Associate, School of Law | University of Nicosia | https://www.unic.ac.cy/ | hadjiathanasiou.m@unic.ac.cy |
Dr., Deputy Director for Research | Tomáš Weiss | Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences | Charles University | https://ims.fsv.cuni.cz/en | weiss@fsv.cuni.cz |
Prof. | Knud Erik Jørgensen | Department of Political Science | Aarhus University | https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/knud-erik-joergensen(db1f8fcd-1f66-4d3e-a937-d2313de08aad).html | kej@ps.au.dk |
Prof. | Mikael Hildén | Climate Change Programme and the Resource Efficient and Carbon Neutral Finland Programme | Finnish Environment Institute and the Strategic Research Council | https://www.syke.fi/en-US | mikael.hilden@ymparisto.fi |
Prof. | Bakar Berekashvili | School of Law, Social Sciences and Diplomacy | Georgian American University | https://www.gau.edu.ge/ | bvberekashvili@gmail.com |
Dr. | Julian Bergmann | German Development Institute | We would be particularly interested in hosting researchers working on EU development policy, EU-Africa relations, and EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding. | https://www.die-gdi.de/en/julian-bergmann/ | julian.bergmann@die-gdi.de |
Prof. Dr. | Michèle Knodt | Institute of Political Science | Technical University of Darmstadt | https://www.politikwissenschaft.tu-darmstadt.de/institut/personen_pw/michele_knodt/index.de.jsp | knodt@pg.tu-darmstadt.de |
Associate Professor | Akos Kopper | Department International Relations and European Studies | ELTE University Budapest | https://www.tatk.elte.hu/en/content/faculty.t.7329?m=375 | kopper@tatk.elte.hu |
Dr. | Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir | Faculty of Political Science or the Institute of International Affairs | University of Iceland | http://uni.hi.is/sbo | sbo@hi.is |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Diarmuid Torney | School of Law and Government | Dublin City University | https://www.dcu.ie/law_and_government/people/diarmuid-torney.shtml | diarmuid.torney@dcu.ie |
Associate Professor of International Relations | Kenneth McDonagh | School of Law and Government / Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction / Brexit Institute Dublin City University | Dublin City University | https://www.dcu.ie/law_and_government/people/ken-mcdonagh.shtml | kenneth.mcdonagh@dcu.ie |
Prof. | Ben Tonra | UCD School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe | University College Dublin | https://people.ucd.ie/ben.tonra | ben.tonra@ucd.ie |
Prof. | Sharon Pardo | The Simone Veil Researc Centre for Contemporary European Studies/ Department of Politics and Government | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | https://in.bgu.ac.il/en/humsos/politics/pages/staff/sharon_pardo.aspx | pardos@bgu.ac.il |
Prof. | Federico Niglia | Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) | Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) | https://www.iai.it/en/persone/federico-niglia | f.niglia@iai.it |
Dr. | Riccardo Alcaro | Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) | Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) | https://www.iai.it/en/persone/riccardo-alcaro | r.alcaro@iai.it |
Dr. | Vineta Kleinberga | Faculty of European Studies | Rīga Stradiņš University | https://www.rsu.lv/en/vineta-kleinberga | Vineta.Kleinberga@rsu.lv |
Prof. |
Žaneta Ozoliņa |
Department of Political Science | University of Latvia | www.lu.lv | zaneta.ozolina@lu.lv |
Prof. | Dovilė Jakniūnaitė | Institute of International Relations and Political Science | Vilnius University | http://www.tspmi.vu.lt/en/zmogus/dovile-jakniunaite/ | dovile.jakniunaite@tspmi.vu.lt |
Prof. | Šarūnas Liekis | Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy | Vytautas Magnus University | https://www.vdu.lt/lt/person/9-sarunas-liekis/ | sarunas.liekis@vdu.lt |
PhD, Associated Professor | Maria Diacon | Legal and Political Sciences | Institution of Legal, Political and Sociological Research | http://icjp.asm.md | mariadiacon@yahoo.com |
PhD, scientific associate | Ivan Laković | Historical institute | University of Montenegro | https://www.ucg.ac.me/radnik/900230-ivan-lakovic | ivan.lakovic@gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. | Wolfgang Wagner | Department of Political Science and Public Administration | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | http://home.fsw.vu.nl/wm.wagner/ | w.m.wagner@vu.nl |
Assistant Professor | Shefik Shehu | Political Science Department/Law Faculty | University of Tetova | www.unite.edu.mk | shefik.shehu@unite.edu.mk |
Associated Professor | Joachim Vogt Isaksen | Department of Social Work | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/joachim.v.isaksen | joachim.v.isaksen@ntnu.no |
Prof. | Tor Gerog Jakobsen | NTNU Business School | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/tor.g.jakobsen | tor.g.jakobsen@ntnu.no |
Prof. | Helene Sjursen | ARENA Centre for European Studies | University of Oslo | https://www.sv.uio.no/arena/english/people/aca/helenesj/ | helene.sjursen@arena.uio.no |
prof. dr. hab. | Artur Gruszczak | Institute of Political Science and International Relations | Jagiellonian University | http://www.zbn.inp.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/artur-gruszczak | artur.gruszczak@uj.edu.pl |
Dr. hab. | Joanna Dyduch | Institute of the Middle and Far East | Jagiellonian University | https://orient.uj.edu.pl/instytut/pracownicy/dyduch | dyduchj@gmail.com |
Dr. | Anna Pudlo | Kozminki University | https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/pl/ | annapudlo@kozminski.edu.pl |
Prof. | Tomasz Kaminski | University of Lodz | http://ksa.uni.lodz.pl/?lang=en_gb | tkaminski@uni.lodz.pl |
Associate Professor (with Aggregation) | Maria Helena Guimarães | School of Economics and Management / Department of Economics | Universidade do Minho | https://www.eeg.uminho.pt/en/_layouts/15/uminho.portaisuoei.ui/pages/userinfo.aspx?p=672 | guimarmh@eeg.uminho.pt |
Prof. dr., senior researcher | Valentina Pricopie | Institute of Sociology, Social Europe Research Laboratory | Romanian Academy | https://www.insoc.ro/institut/index_en.php | valpricopie@gmail.com |
Lect.Prof.Habil.Dr. | Cristian Gazdac | Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of International Relations and Contemporary History, Security Studies | University Babe-Bolya | http://dsiic.ro/security-studies/ | cgazdac2000@yahoo.co.uk |
PhD, Assistant Professor | Matúš Mišík | Department of Political Science | Comenius University | https://www.politologiauk.sk/ | matus.misik@uniba.sk |
Prof. | Maja Bučar | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ljubljana | https://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/en/research/research-centres/department-of-political-science/centre-of-international-relations | Maja.Bucar@fdv.uni-lj.si |
Prof. Dr. | Oriol Costa | Department of International Studies | Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) | www.ibei.org | oriol.costa@uab.eu |
Dr. | Antonio Sianes | Department of International Studies | Universidad Loyola Andalucía | http://www.loyolaandnews.es/antonio-sianes-elegido-representante-nacional-executive-committee-eadi/ | asianes@uloyola.es |
Dr. | Stelios Stavridis | ARAID | University of Zaragoza | https://mkoelling.wixsite.com/zeis-unizar/stelios-stavridis |
Prof. | Natividad Fernández Sola | Public International Law and International Relations | University of Zaragoza | https://mkoelling.wixsite.com/zeis-unizar/natividad-fernandez |
Prof. | Stéphanie Hofmann | Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies | https://graduateinstitute.ch/stephanie-hofmann | stephanie.hofmann@graduateinstitute.ch |
Associate Prof. Dr. | Osman Sabri Kiratli | International Trade Department | Bogazici University | http://web.boun.edu.tr/osmansabri.kiratli/ | osmansabrikiratli@boun.edu.tr; osmansabrikiratli@gmail.com |
Prof. Dr. | Siret Hürsoy | Chair of International Relations Department | Ege University | https://iibf.ege.edu.tr/eng-3577/department_of_international_relations.html | siret.hursoy@gmail.com |
Associate Professor Dr. | Nuri Korkmaz | Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü | https://sayfam.btu.edu.tr/site/nuri.korkmaz/index.html | nuri.korkmaz@btu.edu.tr |
Prof. | Richard G. Whitman | Global Europe Centre, School of Politics and International Relations | University of Kent | https://www.kent.ac.uk/politics/staff/canterbury/whitman.html | R.Whitman@kent.ac.uk |