High interest in Public Panel: “EU Foreign Policy in Times of Populism”
Yesterday our Public Panel on "EU Foreign Policy in Times of…

Have a glance into proceedings of workshop on “De-Europeanization and the EU’s International Relations”
Today is the final day of COST Action ENTER Vienna events. Work…

WG 3 “Contestation” busy in Vienna-workshop as well
There is a lot of discussions and working going on in Vienna…

Public Event at International Institute for Peace in Vienna
The Working Group 1 workshop continued with the public event…

Impressions from Workshop “Contemporary Challenges in the Field of Non-Proliferation Arms Control Policy and EU Responses”
COST Action ENTER Working Group 1 (New Realities)-Workshop "Contemporary…

Second COST Action ENTER Policy Brief published
Our second Policy Brief is published. The EU’s Peacebuilding:…

Brief report on workshop “At the EU Doorstep: External Perceptions of the EU by Candidate and Eastern Partnership Countries”
The workshop "At the EU Doorstep: External Perceptions of the…

Greetings from Norway – Elodie Thevenin currently on her STSM to Oslo
We have another STSM ongoing right now - Elodie Thevenin from…