Thank you, COST Action ENTER!

We would like to thank all those involved in the COST Action ENTER

(CA17119) for their special participation and outstanding efforts that made our Action such a success! Working Group (co-)leaders, Core Group members, all the MC members, COST and university’s Administration officers, Grant Awarding coordinators, ECIN coordinators, the ENTER editorial team, trainers, trainees, grantees, and our invited special guests from politics, business, and society, all did a terrific job and enabled COST Action ENTER to impact international society with their research. Last but not least, a huge thank you goes to the audience and all participants of our various events, conferences, panels, workshops, lounge talks, webinars, symposia, who promote our ideas and spread them internationally – and will continue to do so in the future.

Through our research, our contributions at numerous conferences as well as our countless publications within COST, our Action lives on, even though our work in this framework has been successfully concluded for the time being. Thank you, COST Action ENTER! Hats off!

Michèle, Patrick, Charlott, and Katharina