Call for Virtual Mobility Grants (VMGs) 2022/2023
COST Action ENTER (CA17119) calls for applications for Virtual Mobility Grants (VMGs). The grants aim at promoting virtual collaboration as a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation of COST Action ENTER. This mechanism intends to stimulate virtual collaboration among the members.
The following eligibility criteria apply:
- Applicant(s) are COST Action ENTER participants with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or from a COST Near Neighbour Country.
- The applicant(s) shall inform the MC about the aim of the VM Grant and how its outcomes will generate benefits to COST Action ENTER, actively contribute to the activities and overall objectives of the Action and submit a report at the end, to be approved by the Grant Awarding Coordinator on behalf of the MC.
The selection of successful grantees will be based on contributions to the overall objectives of COST Action ENTER, the strategy on the virtual networking of COST Action ENTER and the implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy.
A maximum of 6 Virtual Mobility Grants (each 1.500 EUR) will be awarded. Virtual Mobility Grants can be carried out until 13 March 2023.
How to apply?
Submit your application via e-COST. You may have to create an account before submitting your application. COST ENTER is Action Number CA17119. A detailed description of opportunities and rules can be found in the “Annotated Rules for COST Actions”, p. 96–102.
The application period starts on 11 November 2022 and ends on 12 December 2022.
For questions please feel free to contact us: info@foreignpolicynewrealities.eu
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Call for Virtual Mobility Grants (VMGs) 2022
COST Action ENTER (CA17119) calls for applications for Virtual Mobility Grants (VMGs). The grants aim at promoting virtual collaboration as a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation of COST Action ENTER. This mechanism intends to stimulate virtual collaboration among the members.
The following eligibility criteria apply:
- Applicant(s) are COST Action ENTER participants with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or from a COST Near Neighbour Country.
- The applicant(s) shall inform the MC about the aim of the VM Grant and how its outcomes will generate benefits to COST Action ENTER, actively contribute to the activities and overall objectives of the Action and submit a report at the end, to be approved by the Grant Awarding Coordinator on behalf of the MC.
The selection of successful grantees will be based on contributions to the overall objectives of COST Action ENTER, the strategy on the virtual networking of COST Action ENTER and the implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy. A maximum of 8 Virtual Mobility Grants will be awarded. Each VMG cannot exceed EUR 1500. A detailed description of opportunities and rules can be found in the “Annotated Rules for COST Actions”, p. 96–102.
Applications have to be submitted in e-COST until 20 June 2022. For questions please feel free to contact the COST ENTER Grant Awarding Coordinator Dr. Hila Zahavi: hilape@bgu.ac.il
Calls for Virtual Networking Tools 2021
In the context of COST Action ENTER two types of Virtual Networking Tools (VNTs) exist:
- Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grant
- Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants
Both types of VNTs aim at promoting virtual collaboration as a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation of COST Action ENTER. This mechanism intends to stimulate virtual collaboration among the members.
Call for Virtual Networking Support Grant
COST Action ENTER (CA17119) calls for applications for a Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grant. The grant aims at promoting virtual collaboration as a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation of COST Action ENTER. This mechanism intends to stimulate virtual collaboration among the members.
The following eligibility criteria apply:
- Applicants are COST Action ENTER participants with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or MC Observers from a COST Near Neighbour Country.
- The applicants shall be prepared to develop a virtual networking strategy, coordinate the call for expression of interest for the Virtual Mobility Grants and draft at the end of the grant period a report to be approved by the MC.
The selection of successful grantee will be based on contributions to the overall objectives of COST Action ENTER and the implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy.
The application has to be submitted in e-COST until 15 June 2021.
The grantee will be awarded a financial contribution of 4,000 Euro.
A detailed description of the tasks and rules of the recipient of the VNS Grant can be found in the Vademecum, p.36f.
For questions please write to COST Action ENTER Grant Holder Manager Dr. Sigita Urdze.
Download Call for Applications
Second Call for Virtual Mobility Grants
COST Action ENTER (CA17119) calls for applications for Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants. The grants aim at promoting virtual collaboration as a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation of COST Action ENTER. This mechanism intends to stimulate virtual collaboration among the members.
The following eligibility criteria apply:
- Applicant(s) are COST Action ENTER participants with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or MC Observers from a COST Near Neighbour Country.
- The applicant(s) shall inform the MC about the aim of the VM Grant and how its outcomes will generate benefits to COST Action ENTER, actively contribute to the activities and overall objectives of the Action and submit a report at the end, to be approved by the VNS manager on behalf of the MC.
The selection of successful grantees will be based on contributions to the overall objectives of COST Action ENTER, the strategy on the virtual networking of COST Action ENTER and the implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy.
Applications have to be submitted in e-COST until 25 July 2021.
A maximum of 3 Virtual Mobility Grants will be awarded. Each Virtual Mobility Grant cannot exceed EUR 1 500.
A detailed description of opportunities and rules can be found in the Vademecum, p.38f.
For questions please write to COST Action ENTER Virtual Networking Support Manager Dr. Hila Zahavi.