COST Action ENTER Workshop: Academic Practices for Early Career Researchers
The coordinator of the Early Career Investigator Network (ECIN)…

Apply for an ITC Conference Grant! Deadline: 15 December
Apply now for an ITC Conference Grant!
ITC Conference Grants…

STSM to Riga, Latvia – some first impressions by Dr. Maria Diacon
Currently Dr. Maria Diacon from Tiraspol State University, Chișinău,…

WG 2 Perceptions: Scientific article “What’s next for the European coal heartland? Exploring the future of coal as presented in German, Polish and Czech press” published
Working Group 2 members published an article in Energy Research…

COST Action ENTER winter training school in Aarhus
COST Action ENTER winter training school in Aarhus - led by Prof.…

COST Action ENTER events in Aarhus
Three COST Action ENTER events are currently going on in Aarhus,…

First COST Action ENTER Policy Brief published
The first COST Action ENTER Policy Brief has been published.…