COST Action ENTER Working Paper NO. 8 / April 2022 – Approaching contestation of EU foreign policy: Analyzing various causes, modes, and effects by Lina Liedlbauer, Franziska Petri & Elodie Thevenin
This working paper sheds light on the various causes, modes and effects of the contestation of European Union foreign policy (EUFP). It summarizes the findings of different contributions to a recent Global Affairs Special Issue, focusing for example on the contestation regarding the EU’s role in nuclear non-proliferation, migration or trade, but also contestation of its geopolitical standing. We highlight considerable variation in contestation causes, modes and effects across as well as within foreign policy clusters: Contestation could translate into more or less EU resources being available to act externally, into a change of focus and priority in EU foreign policy-making, and/or into a strengthening or weakening of the intergovernmental and supranational dynamics at focus. In the discussion of the findings, closer attention is paid to the relationship between internal and external factors shaping contestation.
This is a reprint of the introduction and conclusion articles originally published in the Special Issue “Contestation of European Union foreign policy: causes, modes and effects” of Global Affairs 6:4-5, edited by Franziska Petri, Elodie Thevenin & Lina Liedlbauer, DOI: 10.1080/23340460.2020.1863159. The articles’ contents have been slightly adapted to fit into the format of this working paper but essentially represent the versions as published in Global Affairs.