WG 2 successfully conducted two E-Symposia – two Special Issues in the pipeline

WG 2 “Perceptions and Communication” have organised and run two COST E-Workshops – two international symposia that examined perceptions, images and narratives of the EU inside the EU among its member states and outside the EU, specifically among EU neighbours to the east and south.  Both Symposia, organised and chaired by WG 2 Vice-Leader Professor Natalia Chaban, featured contributions to two peer-reviewed journals following presentations and discussions at the COST Winter School “Images of Europe at Times of Global Challenges: Perceptions of EU (foreign) policy making inside and outside Europe”, run by WG 2  in Aarhus, Denmark, on 11-14 November, 2019.

A two-day E-Symposium #1 took place on June 15-16, 2020. It featured contributions for the Special Issue Changing Europe in the Changing World:  Perceptions of the EU inside the EU of a peer-reviewed Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies.  The Special Issue is co-edited by Natalia Chaban (Vice-Leader of WG 2, Ukraine/NZ), Jan Osička (Leader of COST WG 2, Czechia), Veronika Zapletalová (Czechia) and Pauline Heinrichs (Germany/UK).

A two-day E-Symposium #2 took place on 5-6 July, 2020. It featured contributions for the Special Issue External Images and Perceptions of the EU: The EU in the Eyes of its Neighbours of a peer-reviewed journal  Croatian International Relations Review. The Special Issue is co-edited by Natalia Chaban (Vice-Leader of WG 2, Ukraine/NZ) and James Headley (UK/NZ).

Both publications — expected at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 — profile research of the Winter School participants as well as new members of the WG 2 and continue active research networking WG 2 has initiated at the COST Winter School and continued in the months following it.