COST Action ENTER members hold a broad range of face-to-face meetings with practisioners
COST Action ENTER is strongly interested in reaching out beyond academia. Members of all working groups have had several face-to-face meetings with practitioners. Here are some examples:
- Member of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, 18.9.2019
- The United Nations Environment Programme, 13.11.2019
- German Federal Foreign Office, 13.11.2019
- Member of the European Committee of the Regions, 28.11.2019
- Consultant at the European Parliament, 28.11.2029
- Journalist, Brussels, 30.1.2020
- Member of the European Commission, 5.7.2020
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, 3.11.2020
COST Action ENTER experts and pracitisioners discussed a broad range of topics linked to European foreign policy facing new realities. All participants describe face-to-face meetings – both in physical as well as digital formats – as a particularly fruitful form of exchange as they provide both sides a view behind the curtain.