Latest Past Events

Summer School – Simulating EU-decision making

Organizers: • Friedrich Plank, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz • Arne Niemann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz • Michèle Knodt, Technical University of Darmstadt Venue: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Jakob Welder Weg 12, 55128 Mainz, Germany Program highlights: • Simulating EU-decision-making in the European Parliament and Council of the EU in an international setting • Focus on […]

Workshop organized by COST Action ENTER Working Group 2 (Perception and Communication), and Working Group 4 (Relations)

Convenors: Michèle Knodt and Patrick Müller EU foreign policy is often studied and explained from within, focusing on intra-EU institutions, actors and preferences. However, in a changing international environment EU foreign policy is also increasingly subject to external influences, stimuli and pressures. The EU’s multi-actor, multi-level system of governance provides various access points to engage […]

Norm contestation and EU foreign policy


Workshop organized by Working Group 3 – Contestation, and Working Group 4 – Relations Convenors: Helene Sjursen, Ana E. Juncos, Patrick Müller, Oriol Costa The study of norms in EU foreign policy is a well-established subfield in the broader European Studies literature, with previous work focusing both on its internal dimension (foreign policy negotiations and […]