COST Action ENTER (CA17119) Call for Papers – Research Workshop
EU’s Climate and Energy Policy: Perceptions and Challenges
11-13 March 2019, Darmstadt, Germany
Rationale and Aims:
The Union’s role in developing international climate regimes and organizing international energy markets have, together with ambitious climate and energy policies followed by several European countries, elevated the importance of both climate and energy policies within many of the EU’s policy arenas. The workshop seeks to provide both substantive and ideational account for the Union’s engagement in climate and energy politics. It will open with an overview of the contemporary energy and climate policy landscape in the EU, focusing on the main political trends which come along the increasingly closer entanglement of the two. Within the ideational reflection of these trends, the workshop will focus on the self-perception of the key climate and energy actors both at the European and the national level, as well as the reflection of the Union’s position in the international climate and energy regimes by third parties such as non-European countries and international institutions. Finally, the workshop will seek to nuance these reflections by engaging policy practitioners. Throughout the workshop, questions such as “What is the current state of the EU’s climate and energy policy?”, “What ideas are attached to it?”, “How do these ideas resonate among the member states and outside the EU?”, “Are there any competing narratives in the perception of the EU as a climate actor?” will be tackled.
Financial Support: Participants will be reimbursed for travel, subsistence and accommodation according to the Rules of the COST Association and within the framework of COST Action CA17119. Further information:
How to apply:
Please submit your paper title and a 300-word abstract to
Submission deadline: 25 January 2019
Further questions:
For content-related queries, please contact the workshop organizers (Dr Jan Osicka at For logistics, please contact the COST ENTER Network Manager (Dr. Jonas Schoenefeld, Technische Universität Darmstadt) at
Download the call information as a pdf file here.