• Friedrich Plank, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
• Arne Niemann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
• Michèle Knodt, Technical University of Darmstadt
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Jakob Welder Weg 12, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Program highlights:
• Simulating EU-decision-making in the European Parliament and Council of the EU in an international setting
• Focus on EU migration policies and the EU´s fight against climate change
• Social and network program in Mainz
Program at a glance:
In this summer school, participants simulated European Union (EU) decision-making in Model European Union Mainz (MEUM). Around 80 participants from all over the world came to Mainz, Germany, for the simulation of the ordinary legislative procedure. Participants slipped into the roles of national Ministers, Members of the European Parliament and journalists. The Summer School offered the chance to get a first-hand insight into the workings of the complex political system that is the European Union. Starting point for the debate were two proposals that relate to EU migration policies and the EU´s fight against climate change for legislation drafted by the European Commission. Participants, in their roles as MEPs and Ministers, delivered speeches, work on amendments to the proposal texts, and organize majorities in order to adopt their suggestions for changes to the legislation, while journalists monitored and critically reported on this political process.
The Summer School targeted primarily early career researchers but welcomed also experienced analysts and practitioners interested in EU decision-making processes.