The Winter Training School “Images of Europe at Times of Global Challenges: : Perceptions of EU (foreign) policy making inside and outside Europe – Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Reflections” was a four-day event on November 11-14, 2019, in wonderful Aarhus, European Capital of Culture 2017!
It was an intensive, interactive, yet exciting and full of opportunities event. Our team set up a tight network of peers and experts that shared knowledge and skills on how to research and conceptualize perceptions of the EU at times of major challenges in Europe and globally. We brought leading scholars in EU perceptions studies and facilitate discussion across generations, disciplines, methods and theories.
Among our expert presenters: Natalia Chaban (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Ole Elgström (University of Lund, Sweden), Alister Miskimmon (Queen’s University Belfast, UK), Ben O’Loughlin (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Bernd Schlipphak (Münster University, Germany), Veronika Zapletalová (Masaryk University, Czech Republic).
Scholarly publications are valued as tangible outcomes of any academic event. Winter School “Images of Europe at Times of Global Challenges” aimed to produce a book co-edited by the organizers and the most motivated early-career participants consisting of written contributions by the participants – early-career researchers and leading experts.
Winter School “Images of Europe at Times of Global Challenges” invited its participants to engage with a range of key topics associated with the study of images and perceptions of the EU in policy-making (foreign policy is one of the main foci, but not only). We discussed the perceptions of the EU’s roles and identities, ideas and discourses, framing and narrative-building of the EU. We invited reflections from outside and inside the European Union.
Among our main topics were:
- Perceptions of the EU within EU member states countries and/or regions
- EU self-perceptions vs. external perceptions of the EU
- Images of the EU in international organizations
- Mutual perceptions of the EU and of other major global players (the US, China, Russia)
- Comparison of views on the EU across third countries or regions
- Evolution of images and perceptions of the EU across time.
The Winter School featured three activities:
- In-depth sessions by leading scholars. The experts talked about leading theories and new methods in the studies of perceptions of the EU and engage in discussions with the participants. Participants learned about new theoretical synergies and had an opportunity to ask critical questions.
- Participant seminars, which followed the sessions with experts. In these seminars, the participants introduced their own ideas of perceptions-related research in group discussions guided by the expert presenters. Our participant received informed critical feedback from peers and experts.
- Networking events. The Winter School put an emphasis on networking and socializing. The Winter School gave an opportunity to meet new colleagues from a variety of European countries, learn about new perspectives and ideas and strike new collaborative projects.
After the School
The selected participants will be working with the organizers and the leading experts on developing the edited book. The activity schedule is as following:
- November 2019: Sign off meeting at the School with all the participants
- December 2019: The selection of the book contributors will be announced by the organizers
- February 2020: Submission of detailed research proposals by the contributors
- June 2020: Submission of the first drafts of the book sections
- September 2020: Submission of the pre-final sections
- November 2020: Final submissions